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Skywatch: Look for the 'Great Bear'

Then use it to help you find the North Star.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — When you’re out this week look up and you may find a famous constellation in the night sky. Ursa Major is the "Great Bear”. 

According to mythology Ursa Major was the maiden Callisto with whom Zeus had a son. In order to protect the two from his wife, Hera, Zeus turned them into bears and threw them into the night sky by their tails. 

Look for it in the north in the evening.

Ursa Major has the famous asterism, “The Big Dipper” in it. You can use it to find our North Star, Polaris. The two stars that form the outer portion of the cup point right to it.

If you’re out in the evenings this week look in the south to southwestern sky just after sunset to find three planets. 

Jupiter, Saturn and Venus will be in the south to southwest each evening. Jupiter will be the highest in the sky with Saturn just below and right of it. Venus will be below and right of Saturn outshining the pair.

The last quarter moon arrives on Saturday morning. It’ll officially be here at 7:28 a.m. Look for the half-moon if you’re out & about early. 

Happy hunting!

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