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Trunk or Treat event in Linden helps keep youth away from violence

The event featured many youth volunteers.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Keeping young members of the community away from gun violence is a goal for many in Columbus.

On Saturday, youth who are part of the organization We Are Linden, helped host the third annual Trunk or Treat event at Maloney Park.

The event is partially run by youth to help others steer clear from violence and crime.

Among the crowd, was Jordan Genkins, a young volunteer. She was dressed as a scary cheerleader but was nothing but smiles helping and engaging with people in the community.

"I'd rather do that than anything else,” she said. Genkins was one of 10 young members making sure it flows smoothly. She described it as an event that people her age need to be take part.

"I lost friends that died from violence. You don’t have to worry about anything here. It's a safe place,” said Genkins.

Among the crowd was the motorcycle group Heavy Metal. Tobias Collins and the group’s president Greg Braxton said the event provides the youth with responsibility and keeps them out of harm’s way.

"Fifteen seconds could change a kid's life,” said Collins. “In order to stop the violence, you've got to get out here and do events like this, he said.

Organizers said they want twice as many young volunteers to attend next year’s event.

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