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Columbus mayoral candidates final push to get voters to the polls ahead of Election Day

Andrew Ginther and his opponent Joe Motil each made their way to the polls and other areas of the community on Saturday to chat with voters.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — With just several days left until Election Day, candidates for Columbus mayor are continuing to work to secure votes. Mayor Andrew Ginther and his opponent Joe Motil each made their way to the polls and other areas of the community to chat with voters and potentially sway some undecided opinions.

"Just really proud to see how many folks are coming out to vote,” Ginther said.

Ginther visited the Franklin County Board of Elections Saturday in an effort to keep the momentum going for his campaign.

"We're going to be visiting places of worship this weekend encouraging people once they leave their worship service to come directly here to the early vote center to make sure their votes are cast,” Ginther said.

Meanwhile, Motil held his own press conference Saturday in the south side of Columbus with a similar goal in mind. 

"We've done pretty much all we can, we're going to continue… I'm going over to the board of elections right after this to hand out literature with some of my volunteers,” Motil said.

Motil called out what he says are unnecessary tax abatement policies in the city. He also said more needs to be done to address the issue of homelessness in the community.

"It's up to me as mayor and I will do this, I will create a housing first initiative, an office of transitional housing that will address these problems and not just turn away from it,” Motil said.

Beyond the mayor’s race, there are other important issues Ohioans will have the chance to weigh in on to make a difference in both the state and their communities this Tuesday.

"We have reproductive freedom and choice on the ballot, we have the mayor's race, all the council races, school board races, the school levy, so many important issues,” Ginther said.

Sunday is the last day for early voting before the election. The polls will be open from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. and closed on Monday. Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Monday or turned in to the board of elections by 7:30 p.m. Tuesday night.

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