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'I'm very happy to be voting for Donald Trump': DeWine addresses his support of the president

DeWine pointed to several areas in which he believes that President Trump has done 'exceedingly well' at.

As the race to the presidential election in November continues, Gov. Mike DeWine was asked about his support for fellow Republican, President Donald Trump, during his COVID-19 briefing on Thursday. 

Specifically, the governor was asked why he is quick to praise and support President Trump, but isn't as fast to comment on controversial things that the president says and does. 

"Everybody I've ever voted for president, there's some things I might not have agreed with them on," DeWine explained. "Everyone has to make a choice."

DeWine pointed to several areas in which he believes that President Trump has done 'exceedingly well' at.


"We're on the phone every single week, Democrat and Republican governors, with the vice president. They do everything they can to get us whatever resources they have. When I've asked them for something, they've done that."

The Courts

"He (President Trump) made a commitment to the people of Ohio and the country. Many people voted for him the first time because of that commitment. He's kept that commitment. He's put people who believe in the Constitution, who know they're not legislators, very qualified individuals. (Supreme Court nominee) Judge Barrett certainly fits that as well."


"We've gone down, we all know why we've gone down, because of the virus. But Donald Trump negotiated and was tough in negotiations. And it took a lot of guts to do it. I think the president had the attitude that we have to be tougher in our negotiations."

However, DeWine made it clear that he does differ with the president when it comes to masks and social distancing as the best way to protect people from COVID-19. "No one should have any doubt how I feel about masks, how I feel about social distancing. I've been adamant about this and I've gotten a lot of criticism. Donald Trump has not taken those same positions. Obviously, he and I don't agree," the governor stated. 

Despite that difference, DeWine says he's "very happy to be voting for Donald Trump" this fall. 

DeWine recently appeared with the president at during a campaign stop at the Dayton International Airport in Vandalia last month. The governor was booed by the crowd when introduced by President Trump, but later laughed it off. 

"Booing is a First Amendment right, whether you're at a ballpark or a political rally," DeWine said with a smile. People have every right to boo. I've been picketed in the past, I've been booed in the past." 

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