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New protections in Ohio for victims of violent crimes

New language in House Bill 343 will help survivors of sexual assault and other violent crimes know what privacy protections are in place for them.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — It's been nearly two decades since Sophia Fifner said she was raped, and while she's moved on with her life, she has never let go of what could have happened if she knew the legal battles she was up against.

“By the time I even knew or understood what my rights were, my rape kit had been destroyed. I realized that my records were incredibly sloppy,” said Fifner.

While she was unable to get justice, it has not stopped her from helping others through the Ohio Crime Victims Justice Center

She said the new language in in House Bill 343 will help survivors of sexual assault and other violent crimes know what privacy protections are in place for them as soon as they come forward to law enforcement.

“As someone who grew up in a family who didn't have access to wealth or an attorney to know what step you take when something terrible or unthinkable happens, it's an incredible value added to every single Ohioan” she said.

Elizabeth Well with the Ohio Crime Victims Justice Center said from a legal standpoint these protections will make it easier to bring abusers to justice. 

Well said some victims are hesitant to come forward, because if they do, things like their name and address will be public record.

“I absolutely think more people will come forward knowing that in the first moment of contact with law enforcement, they can elect to have that information removed from public record,” said Well.

Fifner added had these types of protections been in place when she experienced her trauma---the outcome may have been different.

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