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Classic for Columbus raises money for HBCU scholarships

The annual event raised around $80,000 for scholarships at HBCUs.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A party with a purpose. That’s what some call the Classic for Columbus, an all-star basketball game of 12 HBCU basketball players versus 12 basketball players from other schools in Ohio. The game's purpose is to raise money for kids who need it.

“We support three pillars: education, economic development and diversity. We believe they are all integrated, it’s like a three-leg stool,” said Jon Pace, president and CEO of Classic for Columbus.

Pace said the event is all about giving kids an opportunity to get a good education. Something he believes everyone deserves.

“We believe strongly that education is the pathway to upward mobility. We believe it so strongly that education should be a part of our life including culture, sports and entertainment,” said Pace.

The event isn’t just about basketball. It’s about celebrating the culture of the black community and bringing together people from all different backgrounds.

“We are super excited to bring together diverse people. People you see here have different beliefs, different races, different political views, different persuasions, even different socio-economic positions but we all come together,” said Pace.

The event also featured black-owned businesses. Lisa Hendrix, the owner of Luv’d by Lisa sells natural skincare. Hendrix said she is proud to be a part of the classic.

“It’s important to spread awareness that there are positive things happening with black culture in the community,” said Hendrix.

Hendrix said it’s great to have so many people from different backgrounds come together for a great cause. She said events like the Classic need to happen more to build a stronger sense of community.

“It’s important to come back together and learn to have community with one another. It’s important we should always gather together because there is power in collaboration,” said Hendrix.

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