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New initiative pushes for change with changing tables in men's restrooms

Every diaper donated at Saturday's drive knocks $1 off a beer at North High Brewing in Dublin.

DUBLIN, Ohio — Two Columbus-area podcasters are launching their 'Dadvocate for Change' initiative with a diaper drive on Saturday.

The creators of The Dadass Podcast are asking those who come out to bring diapers and join them on a live episode with their most horrific or funniest public diaper change story.

Matt Lofy started the podcast when his son was 5 months old to try and be a better father. He was celebrating his son’s second birthday in October when the idea for this campaign started.

“We're in an extremely family friendly place in town, and we realize they don't have changing tables,” described Lofy. “I'm out in the hatchback portion of our SUV with the hatch up in a parking lot in the rainstorm, changing a wet diaper. I come back to the party drenched and I have this idea of we should use the platform for like advocating.”

Co-host, friend, and family counselor Shaun Ditty was on board to use their platform to advocate for changing stations in men’s and gender-neutral bathrooms.

"What kind of message does it send when there is only a changing table in one of the gendered restrooms and is that inclusive and family friendly to all families and all of their shapes and sizes?" said Ditty. “This is not just about a changing station, or collecting diapers with Bottoms Up diaper bank. There's more to this conversation that even if you're not a parent, but you are a human being, that you can participate in.”

The diaper drive is Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. at North High Brewing in Dublin. Every diaper donation knocks a dollar off a beer.

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