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Zanesville H.S. Coach Admits To Bringing Alcohol To School

A Zanesville High School coach was suspended after allegedly admitting to having alcohol on school property. Get details.

A Zanesville High School baseball coach was suspended on Tuesday after school officials said he admitted to having alcohol on school property.

Superintendent of Zanesville City Schools Terry Martin said coach David Balo had done a lot for the district, 10TV’s Tanisha Mallett reported.

“He’s been a very devoted employee and it breaks my heart that we are at this point,” Martin said.

Martin said Balo was forthcoming when questioned.

“The coach came right up to me and said ‘It’s mine, I’m sorry’ he was remorseful and realized it was something that should not have happened.”

Balo, who is also a physical education teacher, stepped down from his coaching position and was suspended without pay by the school board, Mallett reported.

Martin said Balo could have been dismissed, but the school board felt his career earned him a second chance.

This is the second alcohol-related incident the school district has dealt with this year, seven children, some from Zanesville, were charged with underage consumption in connection with a July party at a home where another student was found dead the next day.

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